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“Biggest challenge is communication…” 

1 Hour Workshop with a BONUS worksheet

For First Responders & Their Partners

Do you feel

Like you are being attacked or attacking your partner?

Negative thoughts about your partner?

Like you have to come up with excuses or play the victim?

Withdrawn, isolated, or shut down with your partner?

Like you can't “fight right”?

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proven positive changes


download the workshop now

What can you expect?


A one hour course highlighting the in's and out's of how and why we communicate. Along with the dynamic of being a first responder or in a relationship with one.


We will explore specific communication pitfalls such as contempt, criticism, defensiveness, and stonewalling.


I will map out how to drive away destructive communication and conflict patterns, with healthy, productive ones.


Ashlea’s journey to the world of mental health has been quite unique! Having served for almost ten years in public safety as a firefighter and paramedic in Longmont, Colorado, her knowledge and lived experience as a first responder fuel her passion for mental health especially those with trauma histories. In her career of fire and EMS, she has been a member of the Boulder County Regional Hazmat Team, Boulder County Tox Medic Program, EMS educator and FI, and wildland firefighter. 

I am passionate about helping the helpers. I often joke that I am "not a good traditional therapist." Sometimes I cuss or wear a hat for the day. However, I try to always show up with full authenticity and who I am. I believe that the relationship and the connection are the most important element to therapy. I use a variety of tools and progressive therapies in my practice. There are so many amazing resources!

Did I mention the icing on the cake?

downloadable worksheets

In addition to the virtual training, each participant will recieve downloadable worksheets including 31 Days of Reconnection

Don't settle for dysfunctional and destructive communication in your relationship! There is a better way, and I'm here to share it with you.